What an Ordeal!

I had my planning session with the radiology oncologist today in preparation for getting radiation starting tomorrow. As usual, it’s a mixture of good and bad news. The tumor pressing on my left ulnar nerve (the one that runs down the outside of the arm that’s been causing problems with my little and ring fingers) is actually inside the spinal column and not just in the bone. Apparently that is very unusual – anyone surprised at that? I’m definitely not!! And the lesions in my brain are more than 4 – that’s what they meant when they said too many to count because if there’s more than 4 it’s whole brain radiation instead of focused. They will be able to focus specifically on the C-6 spinal tumor – so that’s a good thing.

Today they fitted me with the mask. It’s a mesh that is warmed and pressed down to conform to my face, then fixed to the table so I can’t move. They also tied my hands to a long tether around my feet to pull down my shoulders and keep them still. Then I was moved in and out of the CT scanner a few times and the mask marked so they know where to aim. My claustrophobia kicked in wearing the mask, so I’ll be taking my relaxer before I go for treatments. They also marked my chest with a little tattoo – not the tattoo I wanted – for placement purposes.

I will have 10 radiation treatments – that’s every weekday for 10 days for 10-15 minutes strapped down on the table. Happy happy joy joy! By the time I was done today, my wrists and shoulders were sore and aching. Thank goodness for drugs!

I still have the imprint of the mesh on my face and a couple of marks on my wrists from the restraints. At least it’s only 10 treatments this time. Then we re-evaluate. Now they just called me to come back for another scan of my C-spine, which evidently didn’t turn out quite right the two times they did it this morning. Hopefully I won’t have to put the mask on again, but if I do, I’m prepared as I took my Ativan as soon as I got home.

The side effects include hair loss (just as it was starting to grow in again!), nausea, and some others that I have written down. There are some less common ones that I expect to have eventually – I’m getting used to being an outlier though I don’t necessarily like it.

So I will endure this as it means hope. Onward and Upward!!